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Working with our Southern Clients

Our spring 2021 Southern Client Group meeting was an insightful and collaborative event, with 14 Local Authorities in attendance. 

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Digital Inclusion and Older People in a Covid-19 world

As champions of using digital solutions to deliver all the different facets of self-directed care and support, we are often asked about how older people can access such solutions.  Age UK has issued a briefing paper looks at the impact the pandemic has had on internet use among people aged 52+ in England.  We pick out some of the pertinent findings and what local authorities and NHS organisations can takeaway from the briefing.   

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Virtual Wallet in Wales

Our Virtual Wallet solution has gone live today for people in receipt of a direct payment in Powys, enabling them to self-direct their care and support. 

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We can save CCGs up to 25% of their PHB costs

We have developed a savings calculator that enables us to model potential savings for CCGs from PHBs. The estimates range from 5% to 25%, depending on variables such as the cohort and budget deployment model, but we would expect a CCG to be able to prudently forecast a net saving of at least 10% of the overall budget spend. This paper examines the evidence and theory behind this.

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