Dynamic Purchasing System
Commissioning arrangements are just one process area where there is an opportunity to do things in a more efficient, effective and ‘leaner’ way, within local authorities and the NHS.
Our unique Dynamic Purchasing System enables any party – whether this is a commissioning team, the individual with care and support needs, a family carer, or third party broker organisation – to quickly and easily outline an individual’s care and support needs and agreed outcomes via a web-based system.
They are then able to submit this request to multiple providers simultaneously, who respond with a proposal and indicative costs, within a given timescale. All interested parties can then review the provider submissions and quotations and go on to award the package of care.
Our DPS has been shown to significantly improve the efficiencies of commissioning teams, as well as reduce the overall time to find placements.
Key Benefits

“This approach enables individuals to meet their support needs in a more efficient, effective and personalised way. It shifts much of the administrative burden away from us, creating a ‘mini-competition’ amongst providers encouraging them to be more creative and tailor their responses towards an individual’s needs as well as pricing the package competitively.”
Dianne Green, Head of Wellbeing and Early Intervention, Kirklees Council