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Live Well York

PPL have worked with City of York Council for over 12 years on their Adult Social Care website and directory. In this case study we speak to Carl Wain, Information and Social Action Manager, about the solution and his experience working with PPL.


The website

Live Well York is a vibrant community website designed to provide information and advice for all adults in York.

The site showcases several of PPL’s innovative features including flexible content pages for the creation of dynamic and engaging information tailored to the community, a directory module featuring directories for local events, hubs, clubs, and a wide range of products and services and a latest news module keeping residents informed about what’s happening in their area.

Live Well York is more than just a website—it’s a vital hub for empowering residents with the tools and information they need to live well.

Screenshot of Live Well York Homepage


Question: What is the purpose of your website and its benefits for your local community?

“The primary purpose of the website is to deliver against the Care Act 2014, in providing good quality information and advice for all residents of York. In addition, it’s strategically well placed from a social care perspective to help reduce, prevent or delay the need for care and support.

The partnership approach of Live Well York helps to support the integration between Health and Social Care, providing a platform to deliver against a wide range of strategic priorities.

Having the information public-facing enables residents to self-navigate to find their own solutions or family/friends/professionals to provide the information for them.”


The platform

Live Well York is powered by PPL’s Social Care Platform, purpose-built for Local Authorities’ Information, Advice, and Guidance websites.

Since 2008, we’ve continually refined and enhanced the platform, delivering cutting-edge tools designed to empower Local Authorities in providing top-tier support and resources for their citizens.


Question: What are the most valuable elements of the PPL Social Care Platform?

Directory – An essential function that helps to not only provide options for residents and professionals but enables us to map where we have a rich offer or where there are gaps in provision.

Personal booklet – A USP for PPL. We are aware that 30% of people over the age of 65 do not use the internet. It is therefore essential we provide printable solutions.

Latest News/newsletter – It is important to have a range of ways to easily promote initiatives and raise awareness of new offers in the city.

Rate this page – To deliver against the Care Act it is not just providing information but “good quality” information. So its essential to understand the users experience. A rating of 4.1/5 is an impressive record.
Another advantage of working with PPL is that it we can benchmark users per population with equivalent websites as well as share good practice.”

Screenshot of Live Well York Directory page


The service

City of York Council is a valued PPL Gold Service Level customer.
This premium service offers a fully managed solution, including regular content updates handled by PPL’s support team to ease demands on York’s resources, bespoke reporting, and a site design refresh every two years, ensuring their website stays modern, functional, and engaging.


Question: What is your experience of working with PPL?

“It has been a very positive experience with there being a “can do” approach. The ticketing system has been very effective in managing communication and I have been particularly impressed by the Gold Support Level offer.

The Care Act calls for good quality information and over the last 6 years we’ve achieved an 81% score from users of Live Well York, proving the quality of the solution.”


Visit the Live Well York website: Homepage | Live Well York

Download this case study: Live Well York & PPL - Case Study